What is the Gunn & Moore DXM Process?

What is the Gunn & Moore DXM Process?

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When it comes to  GM cricket bats, these bats are crafted using a unique DXM process. Many people buy GM cricket bats as their quality is superlative. Many have even heard of the DXM technology that is used to manufacture GM cricket bats, but what does it actually mean.

The DXM process is GM's holistic approach to bat manufacturing. The bat manufacturing process is based on five years of research. This research is really all encompassing. It means that even before the cleft is selected for the bat, there is technological input to ensure that the cleft is prized for that particular bat. It also means that the tools and workmanship is of the highest order.

The wood is at optimal consistency and stability using technology to ensure highly impressive wood conditioning.

CAD an acronym for Computer Aided Design means that all plans for the cricket bats are paperless. A paperless plan for the bat ensures that each and every prototype is inch perfect.

One of the key elements in designing and making a cricket bat is the pressing process. GM's development of DXM technology has ensured quantum improvements on the pressing front.

The blades are then crafted by CAM. CAM is an acronym for Computer Aided Manufacturing. This ensures that there is inch perfection on each and every blade produced for weight and finishing like no other cricket bat in the world.

The expertise, research and investment in DXM technology is plain to see in the superlative quality in each and every cricket bat produced by GM.

To see what makes an Original Le cricket bat. Click Here.

To see which small bat maker is making bats in England. Click Here.

To see a full list of all the brands in the world. Click Here.

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