The @GMcricket King Edwards School Connection

The @GMcricket King Edwards School Connection

The @GMcricket King Edwards School Connection

The @GMcricket King Edwards School Connection

The King Edwards School is renowned for producing extraordinary South African cricketers. It is probably the best cricketing school in Gauteng, the most populated province in South Africa.

The @GMcricket King Edwards School Connection

Cricketers from the King Edwards School include, Graeme Smith, Neil McKenzie, Adam Bacher, Dane Vilas, Stephen Cook and Quinton De Kock.

If you haven't yet found the common thread between these good cricket players. You may want to think of the brand of equipment that they enjoyed. Each one of these players used or uses GM cricket equipment.

The answer may indeed lie in Dane Vilas. You may be slightly baffled as to how Dane Vilas could be the reason that these KES cricketers use GM equipment. Dane Vilas is the son of Anne Vilas. Anne Vilas is the managing director of Opal Sports. Opal Sports among other brands is the chief distributor of GM cricket products in South Africa.

Many of these players will have certain contract conditions and terms with cricket brands before they even leave school. While GM is certainly not the only brand that has dibs on these players. It seems to be that they certainly have a fair foot in the door. Truth be told, why wouldn't they? They are superlative cricket brand. is a supreme seller of GM cricket equipment in North America and many other global shipping options.

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