SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat 2017

SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat 2017

SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat 2017

You would be forgiven for thinking that SG in the SG cricket brand stands for Sunil Gavaskar. Sunil Gavaskar was one of the early users of the SG cricket bat. Sunil Gavaskar made the incredible  SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat 2017 what it is today & was most certainly a legend of the game.

SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat 2017

What willow is used for the SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat?

The SG Sunny Legend cricket bat is made with Grade 1 English Willow. Other bat manufacturers like GM or Kookaburra would even call this willow, limited edition willow. With the quality of the willow you can expect up to about 18 even grains on the face of the SG Sunny Legend cricket bat.

Edge size on the Sunny Legend Cricket Bat?

The edge size on the Sunny Legend Cricket Bat is a very generous 38mm. The edge of this size compliments the 62mm spine, which gives the power to the bat. Despite the large edge size, the balance and pick-up of the Sunny Legend cricket bat is superb.

Face Profile

There is moderate concaving on the face of the bat. This allows the batsman to meet the ball at closer to a 90 degree angle which of course generates more power through the shot.

The weight

The Sunny Legend cricket bat weighs in at 2lbs9oz. When you consider the amount of willow there is and the power this cricket bat generates, this is a very modest and light pick-up.

The Sweet Spot

The sweet spot on the Sunny Legend cricket bat from SG is in the perfect mid position. Many people think of SG cricket bats as having mid to low sweet spots. The SG Sunny Legend has a sweet spot that very much rewards back foot and front foot play. The Sunny Legend Cricket Bat is also great for horizontal or vertical cricket bat shots.


The Sunny Legend cricket bat is an exclusive professional quality cricket bat and therefore sells fast. In the USA, the best place to get a  SG Sunny Legend cricket bat is from Cricket Store Online.

The SG Sunny Legend cricket bat comes with a toe guard fitted as standard.

Speak to the staff at Cricket Store Online about having your SG cricket bat knocked in and prepared to be ready for match use when it gets to you.

Checkout the latest edition of SG Sunny Legend Cricket Bat  here.

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